Badrinath Demographics

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Badrinath Demographics

Badrinath is one of the minor and major Char Dhams of India yet due to the inhospitable terrain and tough climatic conditions, the population remains sparse. Except of temple tourism there is very little opportunity for earning livelihood and this is one reason why local youth have migrated elsewhere in search of opportunities.

Badrinath Demographics

  1. In the last census of 2011 Badrinath village had a local population of only 2,438 people of which 84% are males and females are 16%. 95.4% of the males are literate and 79.7% of the females are literate to an extent. Only 9% of the population is under 6 years of age.
  2. The locals primarily speak Garhwali, a regional dialect of Uttarakhand, though Hindi is widely understood and spoken for communication with visitors.
  3. The population is entirely Hindu as one would expect in a pilgrimage spot.
  4. Joshimath, the winter home of Lord Badri, located down in the valley has a slightly higher population. In Joshimath, which is a larger town, there are about 13202 inhabitants with 61% of the population being males and females 39% and 12% of the population is below 6 years of age.
  5. Due to limited opportunities for business or industry or farming, the population is not likely to increase and indicators are to the contrary. What occupation is here is tied to the temple and is mainly service oriented.

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